Negative keyword in Google ads


Negative keyword match

Negative keyword in Google ads are words or phrases that we specify to exclude from our Google ads advertising campaigns. These are mainly the words or terms which are not relevant to our products or services and including them in our campaign would result in waste of our ad spend and irrelevant clicks. As Google ads campaign work on the principle of clicks. By adding negative keywords to our campaign, we are defining our targeting and we also ensure that our ads are only shown to people who are interested in what we have to offer. Negative keywords can be added at account level, campaign level or even at ad-group level and they are of type broad, phrase or exact match. Regularly optimizing and reviewing our campaign in order to refining the negative keyword lists helps us to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of our online advertising efforts.


Hi, friends

Today I will walk you through step by step process so that you can understand what is negative keyword, variety of negative keyword in Google ads campaign and how to add keywords in our Google ads campaign in-order to maximize the goal of our campaign.

Note: If you are not comfortable in reading blogs then you can watch my video which is about Negative keyword match type in Google Ads. It is about step by step process "What is negative keyword match type" and "How can we use them in Google ads campaign"

How negative keywords works

As we have already understood that if we add negative keyword in our account then our ads won’t be triggered if some individual uses the negative keyword in their search term. For example, if we have added “free” as negative keyword to our campaign or ad group that means we are instructing Google Ads not to show our ad for any search containing the term “free”. In search type of ad campaign we have the opportunity to add up to 5000 negative keywords but in display network, our ad is less likely to appear on site when negative keywords match the website’s content. In display network we have the option to add up to 1000 negative keywords.

 If you wish to know more about negative keywords then you can visit this link as this link is official document of Google Ads which tells about negative keyword.

Types of negative keywords

If we have search campaign setup then we can use broad match, phrase match or exact match negative keywords. In negative keyword match type the identifiers are same as keyword match type for broad negative keyword we don’t have to use any identifier but for phrase match negative keyword we have to use “negative keyword”(double inverted common must be used in order to target phrase negative keyword) and in exact negative keyword we have to use [negative keyword] (exact match type negative keyword must be in between big bracket). We generally add synonyms, singular or plural versions or even misspellings and close variations if we want to exclude them.

If you don’t know what is keyword match type then you should read the blog on keyword match type.

Negative broad match keyword

Negative broad match keyword

In above example you can see we have used negative broad match keyword as running shoes so, our ad won’t appear if some individual is looking for blue running shoes or if  he or she is looking for shoes running or even at running shoes but our ad will be served if he/she is looking for blue tennis shoes or even at running shoe.


Negative phrase match keyword

Negative phrase match keyword

In above example you can see we have used same example which we have used previously so our ad won’t appear if some one is looking for blue running shoes or running shoes. But our ad will appear if he/she Is searching for blue tennis shoes, running shoe or even at shoes running.

Negative exact match keyword

Negative exact match keyword

In above example you can see we have used same example as running shoes so, in this case our ad won’t appear only in one case if someone is directly searching for running shoes. But our ad will be served in other cases like blue tennis shoes, running shoe, blue running shoes, shoes running.

How to add negative keyword match type in campaign


·         Step1: Log-in to your Google ads account and from there click on settings and then on shared library and then to exclusion lists.

·         Step2: Click on addition sign and name the negative keywords lists and add negative keyword one per line and then click on save.

·         Step3: Now as we have created negative keyword list so, now we have to apply it to campaign level. So, to do that we just need to check the negative keyword list and then we will get the option to apply it to campaign level.

·         Step4: You can add the negative keyword to one particular campaign or to many campaign just from here and that’s done.

That brings end to this blog I hope you loved reading it and you must have learned what is negative keyword, what are its type and how to add negative keyword to campaign. And one more thing if you are agency and you wish to manage your clients Google ads account from one Google ads account and you don’t know “How to create Google ads manager account” you should read the blog.

 Thank you and have a nice day.


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